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夏朋延 研究员


夏朋延 研究员



夏朋延博士主要从事固有免疫细胞抗病原微生物感染的分子机制研究,以通讯作者和第一作者在ImmunityNat Chem BiolNat ImmunolCellCell Stem CellEMBO J等杂志上发表论文多篇。发现孤儿受体Nur77在巨噬细胞中高表达且能结合LPS,Nur77与LPS结合后启动了非经典NLRP3炎症小体的活化,相关研究成果以通讯作者身份发表在国际著名免疫学期刊Immunity (2023)杂志上。发现脂代谢酶ATGL能够识别LPS并催化其水解从而避免胞内LPS引起的过度免疫反应,相关成果以通讯作者的身份发表在Nat Chem Biol (2024)杂志上。发现神经肽CGRP在感染状态下能够进入巨噬细胞内部,CGRP通过与NLRP3的LRR区域结合竞争性排斥NEK7从而避免NLRP3的活化,相关成果以通讯作者的身份发表在免疫学杂志Cellular & Molecular Immunology (2023)上。







1. Li W, Liu Q, Qian Y, Wang C, Kong C, Sun L, Sun L, Liu H, Zhang Y, Jiang D, Jiang C, Wang S, Xia P*. Adipose triglyceride lipase suppresses non-canonical inflammasome by hydrolyzing LPS. Nat Chem Biol. 2024, 10.1038/ s41589-024-01569-6.

2. Zhu F, Ma J, Li W, Liu Q, Qin X, Qian Y, Wang C, Zhang Y, Li Y, Jiang D, Wang S*, Xia P*. The orphan receptor Nur77 binds cytoplasmic LPS to activate the non-canonical NLRP3 inflammasome. Immunity. 2023; 56: 753-767.

3. Zhang X, Yu D, Wu D, Gao X, Shao F, Zhao M, Wang J, Ma J, Wang W, Qin X, Chen Y*, Xia P*, Wang S*. Tissue-resident Lachnospiraceae family bacteria protect against colorectal carcinogenesis by promoting tumor immune surveillance. Cell Host Microbe. 2023. 31, 1-15.

4. Zhu F, Yu D, Qin X, Qian Y, Ma J, Li W, Liu Q, Wang C, Zhang Y, Li Y, Jiang D, Wang S*, Xia P*. The neuropeptide CGRP enters the macrophage cytosol to suppress the NLRP3 inflammasome during pulmonary infection. Cell Mol Immunol 2023; 10.1038/s41423-022-00968-w

5. Liu Q, Li W, Qian Y, Wang C, Xia P*. AA467197 controls the hyperactivation of the NLRP3 inflammasome during infection. The Innovation Life. 2023; 1(1): 100012.

6. Zhao M, Shao F, Yu D, Zhang J, Liu Z, Ma J, Xia P*, Wang S*. Maturation and specialization of group 2 innate lymphoid cells through the lung-gut axis. Nat Commun 2022; 13:7600.

7. Ma J, Zhu F, Zhao M, Shao F, Yu D, Ma J, Zhang X, Li W, Qian Y, Zhang Y, Jiang D, Wang S*, Xia P*. SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid suppresses host pyroptosis by blocking Gasdermin D cleavage. EMBO J 2021; e108249.


8. Xia P, Wang S, Ye B, Du Y, Li C, Xiong Z, Qu Y, Fan Z. Circular RNA cia-cGAS protects dormant hematopoietic stem cells from cGAS-mediated exhaustion. Immunity 2018; 48: 688-701 e687.

9. Xia P, Wang S, Xiong Z, Zhu X, Ye B, Du Y, Meng S, Qu Y, Liu J, Gao G, Tian Y, Fan Z. The ER membrane adaptor ERAdP senses the bacterial second messenger c-di-AMP and initiates anti-bacterial immunity. Nat. Immunol. 2018; 19: 141-150.

10. Xia P, Ye B, Wang S, Zhu X, Du Y, Xiong Z, Tian Y, Fan Z. Glutamylation of the DNA sensor cGAS regulates its binding and synthase activity in antiviral immunity. Nat. Immunol. 2016; 17: 369-378. (IF: 21.8)

11. Xia P, Wang S, Ye B, Du Y, Huang G, Zhu P, Fan Z. Sox2 functions as a sequence-specific DNA sensor in neutrophils to initiate innate immunity against microbial infection. Nat. Immunol. 2015; 16: 366-375. (IF: 21.8)


1. Xia P, Wang S, Fan Z. DNA sensor cGAS mediates immune recognition. Protein & Cell 2016; 7: 777-791.

2. Xia P, Wang S, Fan Z. Research progress on autophagy and immunity. Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences 2016; 28: 208-215..

3. Wang S, Xia P, Rehm M, Fan Z. Autophagy and cell reprogramming. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 2015; 72: 1699-1713.

4. Xia P, Wang S, Fan Z. Chapter 24: Progress on autophagy and immunity. Immunological progress. 2014 (3rd edition); 553-574.



Email: xiap@bjmu.edu.cn